Language & Literacy

Early Literacy for Newcomers
With the background knowledge gained in our Instruction for Newcomers course, you can continue to build your understanding of how language and literacy develop, with a focus on early literacy. Regardless of age, this course provides numerous ideas for meeting students where they are and taking the next steps in literacy development. (15 hours)

Active Learning for Writing Across Disciplines
Many teachers have been advised to just have students write throughout the day, across disciplines, and to use the state writing rubric as a guide. But once you're in the classroom, you know it takes more than that to adequately prepare your students. (15 hours)

Active Learning for Early Literacy
With more active and interactive strategies, you'll be amazed how your English learners begin building literacy skills faster than before. You will help them connect language development with literacy skills in an engaging way that keeps them interested and motivated! (15 hours)

Writing Across Disciplines
Teachers are encouraged to have students write throughout the day and across disciplines. But once you're in the classroom, you know it takes more than that to adequately prepare your students. That's where Writing Across Disciplines will help! Learn with guest expert Dr. Ruslana Westerlund! (45 hours)

Whole to Part: Early Literacy for English Learners
(45 hours)