More discussion on Math Talk Moves

In greater detail, Kelly Reider, English Learner Portal founder, will overview the use of Math Talk Moves in your classroom.

Here’s how I want you think about your talk moves from these three dimensions:

1. The Vocabulary level

What is the vocabulary you want students to use when talking about a topic?

    1. Jot down the words you will be using in your lesson in a place students can easily see and reference back to.
    2. Explain to the students that these are the words you want them to use when discussing the lesson.

2. The Sentence level

Show the students how to take the words and create sentence frames around those words. Post example sentences to guide students through asking questions and discussing the topics in the lesson.

3. The discourse level

This is the time when critical thinking happens and students are making sense of the topics. In your planning, make times for the students tot use the vocabulary and sentence structures in conversations amongst themselves.

Remember our goal is to support each student. We will not exclude or excuse any student from participating.

Free Math Talk Moves Conversation Prompts

We've prepared some conversation prompts you can use and share with your students to help build the discourse during your lessons. 

The Language of Math Pathway begins March 15th!  Join us!  Everyone needs more ideas for integrating language and math....

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