Imagine what your day could be like when...

you worry less about your English learners.  They stop avoiding eye contact and instead raise their hands to answer a question and actually speak! What would that feel like as their teacher? For me, it was amazing because I knew I was finally making progress.

Wouldn't it be great if they could just join in with everyone else?  It would save you so much time and make them so much more confident!


This course is broken down to easily guide you through understanding the language development continuum, to exploring numerous best practices for engaging English learners, and developing language and content simultaneously.  This course provides models and supportive assistance through our course facilitator, live Q&A, and private community of teachers. 

On top of that, this course respects your time.  While we all begin together on January 20th, you can move through the course at your own pace.  Our course facilitators (Adriana and Kelly) will check in with you regularly for encouragement and guidance.

"A Content Teacher's Guide to English Learner Success" gives you the option of three graduate credits or 45 professional development hours* upon completion, and a whole lot of peace of mind as you learn:

• simple tweaks to upgrade your lessons so your English learners learn academic language while simultaneously learning the core content;

• how to create more opportunities for discourse that boosts how quickly your English learners pick up the language, learn the content, and stay engaged;

• what proficiency levels are all about and why they matter to you; and

strategies for developing speaking and writing across content areas.

* Check out of Mini Course option below with just a 15 hour commitment!

Join us!

Note: Additional fees for graduate credit recording are paid directly to Brandman University after enrollment at a rate of $75/credit. Credit fees must be paid before the course is completed to be officially recorded with the University.

One-time Payment


Includes pay-in-full bonus offer

• Full access to the "A Content Teacher's Guide to English Learner Success" 45 hour course

• Access to the private Facebook group 


This option is fully facilitated with assignments, feedback, and cohort interaction over a guided 8-week period. Assignments keep you engaged in the content and making real-life connections.  This option earns a PD certificate of 45 hours or 3 graduate credits*.

*graduate credits are applied for via Brandman University for an additional cost of $225.  More details upon enrollment.


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