Have you ever used anchor charts in your your math lessons? 


Visuals are a fabulous strategy to help English learners access content instruction.  You can quickly tweak your anchor chart to allow for language development during your math lesson.

Anchors charts used in a math lesson are a phenomenal way to help your English Learners:

  • know exactly what you are saying
  • what the vocabulary looks like (helping their reading and writing skills develop)
  • how they are expected to use the new vocabulary in the lesson and conversation

Watch video demonstration

How to create your own anchor chart for your math lesson. This demo illustrates the concept of rounding with Kelly Reider, English Learner Portal founder.

Get your FREE Resource Sheet

Setting up your math anchor chart PDF includes the three-step process with a outlined template to get you planning for your next lesson!

The Language of Math Pathway

begins March 15th through August 31st.  15 hours of professional learning dedicated to math and language integration.


50% Complete

Two Step

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