Who doesn't love a fully stocked cupboard?
Streamline planning and teaching with relevant and engaging English Language Development lessons that
increase students' English proficiency and enhance content area knowledge.

It's inevitable that you will always need to work your scaffolding magic to meet the needs of a wide-range of learners. You certainly don't need to start from scratch in planning and creating resources every day!
Let us take the heavy lifting off your plate!
Our systematic approach to lesson planning takes students strategically through word level, sentence level, and discourse level instruction with a flow from speaking/listening, to writing, to reading - an approach that strategically builds language and confidence.
What's in it for me?
Just a full school year of already planned English language development lessons
with ELD standards aligned (Grades 2-5) scripted lesson plans, grammar supplements, literacy supplements, engaging lesson slides, full color lesson images, student journals/handouts, manipulative masters, and other related resources.

Tell me more about what's included...
I can feel your weekends freeing up already...

The Healthy Bites Bundle
Includes the Healthy Bites Unit and the Literacy Supplement.
purchased individually for $60.75

The Money Bundle
Includes the Money, Money, Money Unit, the Counting Money Unit, and the Literacy Supplement.
purchased individually for $77.75

The Becoming a Meteorologist Bundle
Includes the Becoming a Meteorologist Unit and the Literacy Supplement.
purchased individually for $60.75

The Maps & Landforms Bundle
Includes the Maps & Landforms Unit and the Literacy Supplement.
purchased individually for $60.75

The Playground Engineering Bundle
Includes the Playground Engineering Unit and the Literacy Supplement.
purchased individually for $60.75

The Multicultural Arts Integration Bundle
Includes 10 multicultural arts lesson plans
purchased individually for $60.75

Grammar Supplements
Suggested scope and sequence for grammar instruction aligned to the units
purchased individually for $72.00

10 wellbeing lessons
purchased individually for $37.50
As well as future K-2 units added in 2024-2025!
but wait, there's more....
curated professional learning resources to support implementation
a little on-demand PD ... see examples and how-tos of the strategies included in the lessons and more!
PLUS full access to our "Project-Based Learning in Multilingual Classrooms" asynchronous 5-hour course!

and you know we love great teaching so...
as a member, you are eligible to receive up to 2 personal virtual coaching sessions per year at no extra charge!
That alone is a $1,000 value!

Become a Founding Member
and get two months FREE!
Founding Member prices won't last forever....
Ready to start planning your free time?

Limited time offer - Founding Member pricing expires June 30, 2024. Access to the Cupboard begins July 1, 2024 for pre-sale members.
Purchase orders accepted. School & district pricing available. Email info@englishlearnerportal.com for details.
If we didn't meet expectations, we will refund your purchase.
No questions asked.
So, what's included again?
Membership includes:
- a full year of lesson plans with all the fixins including:
- project-based learning units
- arts integration lessons
- early literacy lessons
- social/emotional well being lessons
- grammar supplements
- all quick and easy digital downloads
- new content added quarterly
- members only discounts and events