Newcomers/Beginning English Learners

Factor in the emotional and social impact of making new friends in an entirely new place and you can see how a student's readiness to learn in the classroom could be challenging. I guarantee you that when you get a newcomer student engaged in the classroom, their strengths will shine and their challenges will fade away.

With the background knowledge gained in our Instruction for Newcomers course, you can continue to build your understanding of how language and literacy develop, with a focus on early literacy. Regardless of age, this course provides numerous ideas for meeting students where they are and taking the next steps in literacy development.

With more active and interactive strategies, you'll be amazed how your English learners begin building literacy skills faster than before. You will help them connect language development with literacy skills in an engaging way that keeps them interested and motivated!

This Pathway focuses on teaching students with limited or interrupted education. Gain an understanding of their strengths, challenges, and strategies to address their needs.

Keeping students engaged means bringing in fresh, new ideas on a regular basis. This Pathway provides many options for gaining student attention and helping them organize their thinking, regardless of their English proficiency.

Providing the right support is key to helping students navigate the challenges of transitioning to a new culture and school, especially when they've experienced trauma in their country or on their journey. 15 hour course