Are these curriculum units right for you? Hopefully this FAQ will help you decide!

Frequently Asked Questions
- Can I see more information about each unit before purchasing?
Yes! You can find the unit overviews here!
Elementary Units
Secondary Units
More units available in the months to come!
- The units are aligned to which standards of learning? The units are aligned to the:
- WIDA 2020 English Language Development Standards
- Common Core Standards for Language Arts and Mathematics
- Next Generation Science Standards
- National Council for the Social Studies C3 Framework
- National Model for School Counseling Programs
The ELP Team can align the units to other ELD standards upon request.
- Do you offer any implementation support? Yes! Through the 2024-25 school year we will be piloting our units with teachers across the U.S. The pilot program comes with a great deal of support for the teachers. Learn more HERE.
- Why Project Based Learning? Our units are aligned to the Buck Institute for Education Gold Standard Teaching Practices for PBL. A Project Based Learning approach allows us to provide high interest topics with embedded content background knowledge development to help fill gaps for students whose education partially took place outside of the United States or wasn't fully accessible as a beginning English learner. PBL allows for voice and choice that is often lacking for our students in traditional curriculum. PBL also requires a significant amount of meaning making, interaction, language and literacy usage, and higher order thinking allowing us to maximize the English language development block of the student day.
- Are the units aligned to the Science of Reading? The lessons align to the Science of Reading and the 5 Pillars of Reading through the intentional design of supplemental instruction in the areas of Vocabulary, Comprehension, Phonics, Phonemic Awareness, and Comprehension. The Science of Reading research is then supplemented with research specifically about how English learners develop literacy. Our units also include attention to the two additional areas that are often overlooked for second language learners...oral language development and background knowledge.
- Can these units be used for Tier 1 instruction for English learners? Only for English language development classes. English language development standards are the primary content focus for these units. While the units are aligned to and in support of other content areas, they do not fully address the other content standards and should not be used for Tier 1 instruction in any content area other than ELD.
- Can these units be used as a supplement to Tier 1 instruction? Yes! The units are meant to build upon the knowledge and skills developed in content area Tier 1 instruction.
- What is the best use for these units? The units are primarily designed to be curriculum for the English language development program delivered by an English language development teacher as mandated by federal law. The units can also be used as supplemental small group instruction for students who need more attention to academic language development and literacy.
- Will there be enough units to implement as a full year curriculum? Yes! Our goal is to continue to develop units so you have a buffet of choices to build the multi-year curriculum that best matches your students' needs.
- Why are you including the counseling standards? The curriculum you teach has little impact if you do not consider your students' social/emotional health and the relationships in the classroom. It is important to consider what our students bring to the educational experience and the stressors involved.
- Can a district request unit for a specific grade level or content area context? Sure! We would be happy to customize units for districts.
Have other questions? Just email Kelly! [email protected]