I have the pleasure of working part-time in a high school newcomer program. It’s not easy to promote inclusion and prevent their being isolated, especially with newcomers who are just beginning to learn English. When I started in this position, I learned that a group of my students are in theater class, and my role would be to provide classroom support. I have to admit, I know how shy newcomers can be, so I wondered how that was going to work. Now, I can tell you, it doesn’t just work. They are flourishing.
I’ve spent some time thinking about what works for the students in this class. Why are they so different in this class? Risk takers.
Here’s what I’ve noticed.
Classroom Culture – This class is full of students who take risks. It’s theater. Students know they need to adapt and adjust to be successful. The culture of theater is group success and the students do look out for each...
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